
Gili Morse code earrings


Send a secret message to the one you love! Carry the name of a special person or message with you, express your truest feelings or surprise someone with a nice word or sweet phrase in Morse code

  • Bead color

    Reset options
  • High quality materials

  • 100% recycled gold filled

  • Handmade in The Netherlands

Morse is a communication code with which letters, punctuation marks and numbers are represented by short and long signals. Each character is represented with a unique combination of dots and dashes.

Create your own earparty with the Gili Morse code earrings. The Gili Morse code earrings come in pairs.

Your own “secret message” Morse code may consist of a maximum of 8 letters including spaces.

Create your own style… let it be unique! Made with love for you! 

Jewelry details:

Material: 100% recycled 14k gold filled or 100% recycled Sterling silver

Pay attention! Earrings cannot be returned for hygienic reasons!

  • Verzonden binnen 1-3 dagen vanuit onze studio in Nederland