
Dominica Morse code bracelet black


Send a secret message to the one you love! Carry the name of a special person or message with you, express your truest feelings or surprise someone with a nice word or sweet phrase in Morse code.

  • High quality materials

  • 100% recycled gold filled

  • Handmade in The Netherlands

Send a secret message to the one you love! Carry the name of a special person or message with you, express your truest feelings or surprise someone with a nice word or sweet phrase in Morse code.

Morse is a communication code with which letters, punctuation marks and numbers are represented by short and long signals. Each character is represented with a unique combination of dots and dashes.

Dominica black Morse code bracelet. Create your own! Choose your your quote. Your own “secret message” may consist of a maximum of 12 letters (including spaces).

The Morse code consists of round and tube black or white beads (short and long signals).

Jewelry details:

Material: 100% recycled 14k gold filled or 100% recycled Sterling silver

Secret Message: Max. 12 letters.

Size: Adjustable from 16-19 cm with an extension chain.

Pay attention! This is a custom made product and cannot be returned.

  • Verzonden binnen 1-3 dagen vanuit onze studio in Nederland